Joydeep Dutta

Mathematical chit-chat : Some random thoughts about doing mathematics.

Books for Mathematical Finance : My Choice

Introduction - Probability and Stochastics for finance II - Prof. Joydeep Dutta

How I learned math

An Ode to Probability. How to prepare for mathematical finance

Some books to tell you on Ramanujan's birthday.

A glimpse of Joydeep Dutta sir's unique collection of Model trains

NISC 2019 - Interview with Mr. Joydeep Dutta

Probability : Theory and Examples by Rick Durrett : A Review. ( and a Bonus)

Calculus of One Real Variable - Introduction - Prof.Joydeep Dutta

A tour of my office : A day in the life of an average mathematician

Keynote: Joydeep Dutta, Bilevel Programming: A Personal Journey

The teaching of mathematics : a personal view

Joydeep Dutta

Joydeep Dutta: Nanowater -Thirsty world innovative science for water treatment

Intro - Calculus of Several Real Variables - Prof Joydeep Dutta

Session-2(Locomotive Research-1) Prof Joydeep Dutta

Join Joydeep Dutta, IT Strategy Consultant & Advisor at CXO Tech Summit & Awards 2021

Practical Nanotechnology Today: Concepts to Applications by Prof. Joydeep Dutta

Art of joydeep dutta

Introduction to Prof. Joydeep Dutta, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.

Prof Joydeep Dutta

Mod-01 Lec-34 Optimization